You have different types of people around you. There’s a saying that says you’ll be an average of those five people you spend the most time with. If this is true, selecting the right people is important.

Some people drain your energy, time, and even happiness. It doesn’t matter if it’s your neighbor, a coworker, a college buddy, or someone you’re in a romantic relationship with.

Here’s a look at the types of people not worth keeping in touch with.

Types of People Not Worth Keeping in Touch

Energy Vampires

The energy vampires are the ones who appear to drain the life out of people. They’re usually negative, always complaining, or immersed in a drama of some kind.

Being with them for a while can deplete you and exhaust you. They have an uncanny ability to draw all the positive energy from any circumstance.

You must guard your vitality and surround yourself with positive energy. Making a conscious choice about the people you spend time with isn’t selfish – it’s self-care.

As negative energy is infectious, the person with the smile that makes you laugh is also a powerful force. The energy they radiate can increase your confidence and make overcoming life’s obstacles easy!

One-sided Friend

A certain kind of person appears to be constantly taking but never giving. They seek favors, time, or resources but don’t show up when you need them, which can trigger feelings of anger and frustration.

It’s similar to pouring water into a bucket with holes; regardless of how much you put in it, it’s not going to fill up. You may often feel they’re just fake friends to you.

Self-proclaimed Critic

The self-proclaimed critic always expresses their opinion about what you’ve done or how it went. They’re quick to highlight your shortcomings and never miss opportunities to leave you feeling unworthy.

Incredibly, psychology shows that those who are highly critical of other people often struggle with feelings of being inadequate.

Although constructive criticism can be helpful, there’s a clear line between providing tips and continuously criticizing someone.

Overly Envious

If a friend or relative constantly sneers at your accomplishments, they might not be happy. Instead, they could be snarky about your achievements, making you doubt your capabilities and even sour your happiness.

Positive relationships should be uplifting. People who are genuinely content with you can contribute to a healthier and more favorable setting. Anybody in your life who does not fit this description might need to be removed from your regular list of people you spend time with.

Loves to Play Victim

Another difficult person to maintain a healthy friendship with is the constant victim. They seem to be in constant crisis. They are always in the middle of a battle, and they can’t seem to catch their breath.

While it is essential to show compassion and understanding when you see someone going through an emotional or difficult time, victims don’t take responsibility for their choices or actions. They blame others or their circumstances for their troubles and rarely attempt to alter them.

Engaging in this mindset can be draining and exhausting emotionally. Setting boundaries and recognizing that you cannot make someone else’s life better is essential.

Unapologetic Liars

The unapologetic are those who tend to manipulate the truth, concocting fake stories or simply lying to your face.

No matter how small or insignificant they might appear, they can cause a lot of damage to confidence. You begin to question the truth of what they say and doubt their authenticity.

The worst part is that these lies are often told by people we love and cherish. It’s difficult to believe that someone you love dearly is dishonest.

While breaking up ties is painful, keeping up with a shady liar could ultimately cause more harm than good. It’s acceptable to consider your emotional health and be honest and trustworthy in your interactions.

Gossip Mongers

Everyone has encountered someone obsessed with sharing the most recent scandal or rumor. These types of people appear to know everything about everyone’s life and are eager to share it.

Although it might seem innocent and even enjoyable sometimes, psychologists warn that it can negatively impact relationships. It can cause distrust and result in a hostile environment at work, among friends, or even within families.

In addition, if they’re talking to you about someone else, likely, they’re also gossiping about you. It can cause feelings of anxiety and paranoia.

Avoid interactions with gossipmongers to create a more secure and positive social atmosphere.

No Control on Anger

Outbursts and constant anger can lead to a toxic environment. A person constantly blowing their cover, even on the tiniest of matters, could cause unnecessary stress and tension. Be cautious of such people because they could be violent.

Being with calm and peaceful people creates an atmosphere of peace that encourages productive discussions and problem-solving. You ought to be able to feel secure around your loved people.

Bad Influence

It’s important to have a group that inspires you! If they’re pushing you to make bad decisions like drinking, smoking, or gambling, they may not be the types of people you’d like to be around. It’s crucial to stand by your convictions and establish healthy boundaries. Anyone who tries to steer you away from these should be treated with suspicion.

Stubborn Pessimist

Positive energy is infectious, but so is negativity. However, no matter what happens, the pessimist will always be able to find a negative.

They often have to deal with their own personal issues, and they look at the world through a lens of negativity. Although it’s normal to experience times of optimism, living in a perpetual feeling of negativity can be exhausting for the people in their lives.

It is important to realize that even though you may provide assistance and encouragement, you are not able to alter the way someone views lifeā€”that’s something they need to take care of themselves.

Emotional Manipulator

They are skilled at inducing you to question your perceptions and beliefs, frequently employing sympathy or guilt as control tools. They show the signs of a dark empath.

The issue is that manipulators who are emotionally based sometimes appear caring and attentive initially. But as time passes, their actions show patterns of manipulation, which can make you feel overwhelmed, shattered, and emotionally exhausted.

It can cause depression, anxiety, as well as an unsatisfactory sense of self-worth.

Someone Who Never Apologizes

There’s a kind of person who doesn’t apologize, even when they know they’ve committed mistakes. 

It’s not just about good manners; it’s about recognizing and taking responsibility for one’s actions. Anyone who doesn’t accept responsibility is likelier to repeat the same mistakes.

Final Thoughts

Psychology has revealed that certain types of people could negatively impact our mental well-being. They are not worth keeping in touch. Identify and get rid of toxic people for a healthier and happier you.

It’s not selfish to put your focus on your mental well-being. It’s essential. Sometimes, it could be a matter of distancing yourself from certain people for your health.


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