Talking with your kid about sex can be intimidating. But it is a topic which shouldn’t be avoided. Here is a guide on how to start conversing about sex education with kids with ease. Answering questions related to sex is an authority many parents feel dreadful or tongue-tied when the question is about puberty or where do babies come from.
Kids need appropriate knowledge about sex education. Where it should include everything about private parts, puberty, sex, and reproduction. A good approach is to start talking about sex when they are young and continue the conversation when they get older. The importance of starting to talk about sex education with kids is essential because it not only helps them to understand their anatomy better but it also will help to keep them protected.
A child is exposed to ideas about sex from many sources such as media, friends, and school at a much earlier stage than the parents expect. Curiosity about sex is a natural process of knowing their body. Then the mechanism of sex, kids are more curious about pregnancy and babies. Early, honesty and open communication on sex education between kids and parents are very important especially if your kid is in adolescent age. If the talk goes well kids not only will be more likely to speak about this particular topic with parents but they will also be able to talk about anxiety, depression, relationships and other issues which they face in teenage.
Exploring body parts:
As children learn to crawl, walk and talk they also begin to explore their bodies. Instead of using any other keywords to name their private parts, like arms and hands, tell him it is penis and vagina perhaps during bath time. This will also be a good time for you to let them know which body parts are private and why should they not be touched when in public.
When there is a question from your kid regarding sex to you don’t scold/stop them, instead let them know it is ok to talk about these things to parents but in private time. When your child posts questions about his or her own body don’t giggle, panic or feel embarrassed. Answer the question of how u will answer if it is about her/his hand or arm but according to their appropriate age. If your kid wants to know further, he/she will ask.
Sex education isn’t a single tell-all session.
Instead take advantage of the everyday situation happening around us to discuss sex. If your family member is pregnant, for instance let your child know that babies grow inside a special place called uterus in mommies and daddies don’t have them. And if you see they wonder how the baby got there and how they will be born provide them with details like mom and dad made the baby together by holding in a special way after marriage and doctors and nurse will help them to come out while mom pushes the baby out of the vagina.
Conversing about sex to school-goers:
Toddlers and pre-schoolers are more often will be satisfied with vague answers but school-age children tend to ask more questions about sex and reproduction. As they tend to grow the questions will be more complex for you to explain and embarrassing at the same time but if you fail to answer them, he or she may turn towards their friends or other sources of information available.
When there is a question, ask them what they know priorly know about it and correct them if there is any misunderstanding. Usually, the questions schoolers are more concerned about are:
1) What is the period?
Explain to them how the menstrual cycle is an important phase in the reproduction cycle and it is about female hygiene and offer them information about bleeding and menstrual product. And in a girl period is an indication that the body is mature enough to give birth.
2) What is an erection?
Erection is nothing but penis will be usually soft but sometimes it gets hard and stand up when touched or in sleep and this might also be the time to explain the wet dreams.
3) How do people have sex?
If your child wonders regarding the mechanism of sex, be honest instead of faking because they may get the answer outside for the no you said. Let them know it is a personal choice between genders and when men and women have sex the penis goes inside the vagina and this will result in making babies.
4) Can two girls or boys have sex?
Say it’s yes and it is the need of the hour to respect others’ opinions and choices and you love your kid unconditionally.
Children often worry whether they are normal once they hit puberty like their breast size and penis size. Let them know what changes their body goes through and not all are the same. And children of the same age mature at a different time but sooner or later everyone catches up for it.
Consequences and moral values behind sex:
Talk to your child about the physical and emotional consequences like being pregnant, sexually transmitted disease and other things you feel important about before they became sexually active. Discussing these things early will help them from unnecessary pressures. While you are conversing about the dangers of sex please don’t forget to let them know that sex can be beautiful in a loving committed relationship and also teach them the family values.
If you come from a family where you taught intercourse should be saved for marriage, teach them about it and virginity. If this topic has never come before then there are chances for them not to understand the importance of it.
Personal safety and the way to react to inappropriate touches:
Children need to know about the importance to protect their safety and wellbeing. Maintain an environment in which your child can feel safe talking about the problem he or she faces. Enlighten your kid to know that they can decide who can touch them and they should always react away for inappropriate touches. Touch which not solely includes touching genital parts but asking to take a seat on the lap, touching the lip or making an attempt to kiss including the family members in the absence of parents shouldn’t be encouraged.
Sex education could be a massive “yes” than a “no”, why?
Studies show that kids are more vulnerable and exposed to sex nude images in the media, which get them involved in sexual behavior at a very young age. However, sexual education not only involves talking about intercourse but it educates its consequences also, which will not lead to promiscuity. Children who receive proper sex-education are less likely engaged in risky sexual activities. Having open communications concerning sex and other topics in the long run will not only help you develop the bond between you and your kid but it will additionally facilitate your kid to approach you once things go totally different or in a very troublesome way.