Domestic violence against women is a shameful act. If you are in an abusive relationship, you must have noticed some repetitive cycle. After some disgusting act, they might apologize and promise to change but repeat the same actions in the future. Some men can make you feel guilty for their abusive behavior. Domestic violence can happen between intimate partners or any other family member. Being aware of its forms and signs can help you deal with domestic violence.

Different Forms of Domestic Violence

Physical Abuse

It is physical abuse when a person physically attacks or violently threatens another person, and it is the worst and the most common form of domestic violence. Whatever the reason is, physical abuse is never justifiable. 

Sexual Abuse

Sexual abuse means rape, sexual assault, and conducting unwanted sexual activities with the partner. Even between spouses, forcing a sexual act without one’s will is sexual abuse.

Social Abuse

Insulting or humiliating one in front of other people is social abuse. Abusers tend to control their victim’s social life, like preventing them from meeting their friends.

Emotional Abuse

Emotional abuse is often unnoticed, but it’s severely painful. The constant nagging and blaming can eat away other person’s self-worth and independence.

Financial Abuse

If the other person is taking charge of your money and tries to control your way of spending money, then it is financial abuse. It also includes them using their money for their own purpose or keeping you financially dependent on them.

Spiritual Abuse

Spiritual abuse is a rare form of abuse, but it still exists in many households. Here, the abuser may abstain their partner from following their religious or cultural beliefs. Causing shame and doubts is spiritual abuse.

Signs of Domestic Violence

Often, the woman believes that somehow it’s their fault that leads to such abuse and violence. It may not seem like an abusive relationship at the early stage. You still must be aware of these domestic violence signs to be cautious and act accordingly in the future.


If they are being highly possessive regarding you, it is one of the apparent domestic violence signs. They try to check on you throughout the day and control you. They often get angry if you don’t do as they want you to.


If they get jealous without any valid reason, it is a problem. The abuser may accuse you of being unfaithful or flirting with others. The abusers will try to isolate you from your family and friends.


They make you feel low about yourself by disrespecting your intelligence, opinions, looks, or capabilities. They blame you for relationship issues and their abusive acts. You certainly don’t want to be in a relationship with such a person.


The abuser yells at you and deliberately breaks objects to show his anger. They often threaten to use violence against you or someone else you love.

How to Deal with Domestic Violence

  1. There are several helplines dedicated to protecting women from domestic violence. Contact those numbers and get help when needed. You need someone’s support whom you can trust, maybe a friend, counselor, or social worker.
  2. If the abuse gets terrible day by day, consider getting away from that situation. We understand how hard and scary it can be, but you don’t want live in constant fear for the rest of your life.
  3. You can stay with a family member or friend while you figure out what to do next.
  4. If you are severely injured or sexually assaulted, contact the police or the nearest hospital emergency. Police will protect you from further harm.
  5. Get in touch with a counselor. They can help you out from domestic violence trauma.
  6. No matter how worse they try to make you feel, always know your worth. No one has a right to hurt or threaten to hurt you. You deserve love and respect, and there can’t be any valid reason for you to face any abuse.

How to Help a Victim of Domestic Violence

Identify the Warning Signs

Many victims try to hide the abuse for some reason. Identifying some warning signs of abuse will help you. There can be physical signs like black eyes, busted lips, marks on the neck and arms, or sprained wrists. Some emotional signs can be low self-esteem, fearful and meek behavior, substance abuse, lack of interest, suicidal talks, etc.

Be Empathetic and Talk to Them

Let the other person know that you are concerned and want to help in any way possible. Make a comfortable space with your words so the other person can open up. If they decide to talk, listen to them without any judgment or offering any solution. It may be hard for them to speak this stuff, be patient with them. 

Validate their feelings

Letting someone into the truth can bring hope and relief to the victim. Let her know that it’s not their fault and they don’t deserve such treatment. Tell her that it’s not normal and she should live in constant fear.

Help them Out

You can help them to deal with domestic violence. Please encourage the victim to take support of police, social worker, or counselors. If things are terrible, then see how you can help them get out of the situation to a safe place.

Domestic violence against women on a physical and sexual level is a crime, and everyone should see it that way. No one deserves abuse, so let the other person know that he is doing wrong. If things are getting out of hand, then trust me, leaving them behind will be wise.


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