The world is in desperate need of communities where women feel safe and confident in seeking the best care. The need to prioritize our health and concentrate on reproductive health is more crucial than ever. Here are some effective ways that experts recommend to help improve female reproductive health. You can begin practicing today regardless of your plans for your family, future goals, or your age.
Educate Yourself
The first step is to educate yourself about what you could do to enhance your health. Women haven’t been given the top priority in the health system; therefore, knowing all possibilities is essential. If you decide to have a baby, you should be aware of your “fertile window.” It is the roughly six-day period ending on the day you ovulate. During this time, the probability of having a child in the birth of a baby is at its highest. Suppose you’re experiencing any reproductive health issues. In that case, you should consult a trusted healthcare professional who can assist you.
Maintain an Ideal BMI
A woman’s weight is crucial, and maintaining an appropriate Body-mass Index is important in trying to conceive. However, it may not be due to the reasons you imagine—the rate of fertility declines for women who are overweight or in the middle. If you’re overweight and have a body mass index (BMI) higher than 30, studies have shown that it’s harder to get pregnant. In contrast, being underweight (with a BMI less than 19) could also affect the chances of having a child.
Practice Moderation
There’s been plenty of debate and disagreement concerning the consumption of alcohol and caffeine and their impact on women’s reproductive health. Moderation is a necessity in such cases. Avoid higher levels of drinking alcohol in the event of trying to become pregnant since research has shown that it may increase the risk of developing infertility.
A high caffeine intake (five to more than five cups of coffee, or equivalent every day) has been linked with a decrease in fertility. But that does not mean you need to eliminate caffeine entirely from your daily diet. Moderate consumption of caffeine — about one cup of coffee before or during pregnancy doesn’t have evident adverse effects on the fertility of the baby or the pregnancy outcome.
Quit Smoking
In the case of smoking cigarettes, there’s no argument to be made. If you’re not a smoker, then don’t even consider trying. If you smoke, it’s the perfect time to quit. Research has shown that smoking cigarettes can have significant negative effects on fertility. The risk of miscarriage is more likely to occur in both naturally conceived pregnancies and those resulting from assisted reproductive techniques such as IVF (IVF).
Eat Healthy
Food choices can affect every aspect of our health, from the energy levels of our bodies to our sexual lives. Food is the primary factor in the health of the sperm and egg, helps detoxify, and may aid in improving mental wellbeing. However, restricted eating isn’t the best option. Begin by focusing on an all-natural, high-fiber diet and consuming about 150 minutes of moderate exercise each week. Eating regularly (every 2 to 3 hours) is recommended to maintain the blood sugar and hormone levels.
Avoid Pollutants
We’re becoming more mindful of the detrimental effects pollutants and toxins can have, especially regarding reproduction health. Don’t underestimate the significance of limiting exposure to harmful chemicals to safeguard your hormonal health. For starters, think about the products you utilize to cleanse your home and change your skincare or cosmetics products with cleaner ones. Pick several appealing (and air purifying) plants that also protect you. Don’t underestimate the positive effect of replacing glass containers with plastic on your health and the environment.
Birth Control & Safe Sex
You must seek an expert physician who can work with your personal preference, body, and objectives to determine the best birth control option for you. Think about tracking your ovulation, gaining the details of your cycles, and taking note of your mood during the months (in conjunction with the birth control method that works for your needs). When you understand the state of your body, You’ll know what precautions to take when you’re having sex, especially if preventing pregnancy is your goal. Talk to your doctor to understand all the options available, and then formulate the safest sex regimen suitable to your health, future goals, and lifestyle.
Reduce Stress
Stress is a long-standing topic that negatively impacts our body, mental health, and even our emotional wellbeing. However, in the current era of relentless headlines and endless to-do lists, it’s essential to provide our mental health with respect and affection. Implement easy habits to reduce stress within your daily life. Make reading, exercise, and meditation parts of your daily life.
Know that you have family members who will be there for you and to provide comfort to you. Find some close relatives or friends you trust to show unconditional love and professional help through counseling or support groups if you’re experiencing difficulties. You can find communities of women who go with similar issues, regardless of whether they’re related to endometriosis, fertility, etc. You are entitled to optimal female reproductive health and wellness and assistance, love and support.